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miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

What does the future hold for us ?

In the future I think many things, something positive or negative. I think there will be robots in the streets and in houses, that will be incredible, I will be the president of the USA, that will be exciting. In the future there will be very advanced technology. The cars will fly and Sudamerica will be like Europe. I will have a very nice family I will have 10 sons, their names will be: Braian, Kion, Leandro, Glen, Jose, Agustina, Josefina, Andre y Micael.

The pollution will be a very important problem in the future, water and air will be toxic, that will be very sad. And lots will die because of that. That will be so sad. All the people in Africa will die VIH and the polluted water. There will be lots of problems to fond work because the earth will be overcrowded and robots will do jobs that people will do

Foto novela: "Cronica de una muerte anunciada"

Junto con la materia lengua leímos "Cronica de una muerte anunciada" cuando finalizamos la lectura hicimos una foto novela, con el fin de contar la historia con imágenes de las partes mas importantes de la novela.

La llegada de Bayardo San Roman al puerto y Magdalena Olvier mirandolo prejuiciosamente 

Momento en el que Bayardo decide que Angela sea su mujer y la ve junto a su madre en la plaza.
Bayardo compra todas las rifas de la feria.

 Angela llegando a su casa y encontrando a su familia alrededor de la ortofonica que Bayardo había "ganado" 
El casamiento de Bayardo y Angela.

Bayardo devuelve a Angela a la casa por llegar al matrimonio virgen.
Pedro y Pablo Vicario matan a Santiago Nasar.