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lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

Diary Entry

 My name is Thomas Hardy and it's the first time I write here. I am very sad because some days ago my wife Emma died.

 Today I wrote a poem called " The voice", It's about how much I miss and love Emma.

 In the poem I wrote that I heard Emma's voice yesterday. I have a lot of hope to see her again. I am very happy, if I see her again, I would like to see her as at the begining of our relationship, she was the best girlfriend. If I see her again I will be the happiest person.

Time has passed by and now, I realise that it was not Emma the ones who talked to me ,I am loosing the hope of seeing her again because I think it was the wind

viernes, 3 de junio de 2011

Expedicion Bicentenario

En este proyecto unos andinistas fueron a diferentes puntos de cada provincia para poner unas capsulas ecrrada al vacio con sueños de chicos que escribieron como se imaginarían el futuro de nuestro país en 100 años, osea, para el tricentenario abrirán una capsula y verán si los deseos de los chicos y chicas serán cumplidos.
Y luego de esa experiencia los andinistas nos vinieron a dar una charla de los elementos que usaron para escalar, su recorrido para llegar a las diferentes partes de cada provincia y sus otras experiencias.