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miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Best Nazi Party Ever


The purpose of this report is to invite the young people to come to our Nazi party.


Nowadays young people use clothes like DC shoes or Adidas t-shirts, so for our uniform we could include that type of clothes.


When the teens have a rest we could play music like Reggeaton, Cumbia and Rock (that is the music that young people listen to). I think that all the boys like football, so we can organize a march with Independiente's players, and the girls could have a concert of Miley Cyrus.


Clearly a lot of young people will be there because they will have a great time and they will have everything they like.

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

Este es un documental llamado Home, esta re bueno!

Este documental esta muy interesante ,tiene unos paisajes impresionantes, explica como el ser humano explota sus recursos ,como seria el planeta si esto sigue asi y lo que el hombre hace para que esto cambie, como construir una cuidad con paneles solares para ahorrar energia.